On January 17th 2016 the Druze Community Charity of victoria had their Annual General Meeting and On behalf of the Druze Community Charity of Victoria I Nizar El Hajj would like to introduce the Executive Committee of 2016.
We as a committee are committed to bring family and social unity to our community. We have a plan to complete the construction of the Druze Community Centre in Victoria and build a working relationship with other communities and government and non-government organizations.
Please meet the 2016 Executive Committee Below:
President: | Nizar EL HAJJ | 0431722642 | nizar727@hotmail.com |
Vice President: | Nizar Ashkar | 0434540404 | nizar_ashkar@hotmail.com |
Secretary: | Lisa Nasereddine | 0411601122 | elisarconsults@gmail.com |
Assistant Secretary: | Akram Kamar | 0416231815 | kamarspainitng1992@hotmial.com |
Treasurer: | Fadi Noureddine | 0400038099 | fadwa.hassan5@gmail.com |
Assistant Treasurer: | Amir Bou-Karroum | 0403323890 | amir@bkstone.com.au |
Event Coordinator: | Ruby Zahalan | 0410425558 | rubyzahalan@hotmail.com |
Grants : | Nazira Malaeb | 0401205899 | naziram@smrc.org.au |
General Member: | Wael Rachid | 0438571969 | wally.r@hotmail.com |
Thank you, we look forward to a long and productive relationship together.
Nizar El Hajj
Druze Community of Victoria