Druze Community Charity of Victoria

Payment Options:
To pay your membership subscriptions, contributions for the  construction for the community center or donations, please select one of the following options:
  • Cash or Cheque, to any committee member, and please ask for a receipt on the spot.
  • Cheque by Mail to: P.O BOX 7025, NOBLEPARK EAST , VIC 3174
  • EFT ,Direct Bank Transfer, to DCV Bank Account (Always specify your name in the transaction description, and notify us):
    Bank name:                BANK OF SYDNEY
    BSB:                                       942301
    Account Number:            000810960
  • Direct Debit: By you signing a DIRECT DEBIT AUTHORITY FORM, a set amount of money to be debited from your nominated account on a monthly basis.
For Enquires or if you need any assistance with Subs and Contributions:
Please email us on info@druzevictoria.org.au OR contact our Treasurers, Fadi NourEddine: 0400038099 or Amir Karroum: 0403323890
or any Committee Member:
President: Nizar EL HAJJ 0431722642 Nizar727@Hotmail.Com
Vice President: Nizar Ashkar 0434540404 Nizar_ashkar@Hotmail.Com
Secretary: Hady Dargham 0402331155 Hadydargham@Hotmail.Com
Assistant Secretary: Akram Kamar 0416231815 Kamarspainitng1992@Hotmial.Com
Treasurer: Fadi Noureddine 0400038099 Fadwa.Hassan5@Gmail.Com
Assistant Treasurer: Amir Bou-Karroum 0403323890 Amir@Bkstone.Com.Au
Event Coordinator: Wael Rachid 0438571969 Wally.R@Hotmail.Com
Committee Member: Nazira Malaeb 0401205899 Naziram@Smrc.Org.Au

Thank you for your contribution and supporting your community.